Monday 25 October 2010

Are you on 4m??

As the title says are you on 4m ?
I have been on/off active on the 4m band since it was given to me back in the 90's.
It is a band which depending on the area of the country you live can be active or completely dead.
Over here in Drogheda,Co Louth 4m is beginning to make a come back.
For 4m I use a PMR rig an Ascom SE550 running 25 watts and a Yaesu FT-847 Running 15watts to a vertical Antenna at 30 feet.
Unfortunately there are not many commercial rigs made for this band.
The only rigs at the moment are the FT-847 and the AKD 4001..
There is a local Net on most evenings and the frequency is 70.400 fm.
Most amateurs tend to use 12.5 khz spacing but sometimes older kit is used with only 25khz spacing.
My best DX so far on 4m fm is Cumbria in England
4m is an up and coming band as more and more countries are being granted the frequency.
4m is like 2m simplex but seems to travel better and seems not to be affected with buildings and local
So take a listen on 70.400 you maybe missing out on local chatting.
Perhaps hear you on the band.

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