Sunday, 31 January 2016

70 MHz Maidenhead Locator Award (MLA) program.

For the purposes of this document describing the 70 MHz Maidenhead Locator Award (MLA) program the following terms shall have the following meanings.
“Maidenhead Locator (Locator)”: means the first four characters of the six character geographic coordinate system originally devised by Dr. John Morris, G4ANB, and approved by a group of IARU R1 VHF managers at a meeting in Maidenhead, England in1980. Maidenhead locators are also referred to as QTH Locators, Grid Locators or Grid Squares.
GENERAL IRTS issues MLA certificates to amateur radio stations around the world concerning international amateur radio communications in the 4m band.
The purpose of the MLA program developed by Dave Court, EI3IO is to recognise and promote DX achievements by amateur radio operators licensed to use frequencies in the range 69 – 74 MHz, (4 metres). In general the 4m band is limited to a relatively small but growing number of countries, mainly in Region 1 (Europe, Africa and the Middle East) and Region 2 (North America) of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). 4m stations are or have been active in over 50 territories in Africa, Asia, Europe and North America.
A second objective is to stimulate an interest in the 4m band in countries which are not authorised to transmit in the range 69 – 74 MHz, by encouraging cross-band working to frequencies in the vicinity of 50.285 MHz and 28.885 MHz, which are recognised centres of cross-band activity.
IRTS reserves the right to amend the qualification criteria for the three levels of MLA award.
Three MLA levels are available, the entry grade Half Century award, the Century award and the Double Century award are offered, based on the number of confirmed communication with stations in different Maidenhead locators by:
In band two-way working of amateur and associated experimental radio stations in the 4m band or Cross band working of amateur and associated experimental radio stations in the 4m band by two way in-band working, and for stations not authorised to use 4m, cross-band working to 4m from 6m or 10m, or a combination of cross-band and in-band working.
The awards will be designated In-Band or Cross-Band.
Qualification for a MLA is based on an examination of a log extract and accompanying certification by the IRTS Awards Manager, which certifies that the applicant has made 70 MHz QSOs with amateur stations in the required number of Maidenhead Locators. All log extracts must show the mode, must mention the 4m or 70 MHz band and if a cross-
band QSO, in addition 6m (50 MHz) or 10m (28 MHz). Furthermore, the log extract must clearly show the Maidenhead Locator claimed in its 4 or 6 character form.
Requirements for MLA Awards
For the 70 MHz MLA in-band Half Century award, communicating with stations in 50 locators is required, 75 for a cross-band award.
For the 70 MHz MLA in-band Century award, communicating with stations in 100 locators is required, 125 for a cross-band award.
For the 70 MHz MLA in-band Double Century award, communicating with stations in 200 locators are required, 250 for a cross-band award.
A Double Century Award can also be endorsed for additional locators worked in steps of 50 e.g. 250, 300, 350 etc.
It is of course possible for stations licensed to transmit in the 4m band to hold both cross-band and in-band MLA awards.
A claim for all in-band or cross-band MLA awards and additional endorsements to a Double Century award must be accompanied by a certified log extract (see below), to include date, time, frequency (in the case of a cross-band award), mode, station worked and Maidenhead locator.
All QSOs must be made with licensed amateur stations working in the authorised 4m allocation within the frequency range 69 – 74 MHz or with other stations licensed or authorised to communicate with amateur radio stations. Contacts made through repeaters or satellite transponders are not permitted for MLA credit. However Earth-moon-Earth (EME) QSOs are acceptable. In addition: All 4m operations should take place in accordance with the regulations pertaining in that jurisdiction. All stations contacted must be located on the surface of the Earth. QSOs with aeronautical mobile stations cannot be credited. Stations located in ‘wet Maidenhead Locators’ by means of stations located on off-shore platforms or maritime-mobile stations installed on boats, ships or other floating objects can be credited. All stations must be contacted from the same locator.
It is a condition of the MLA award that the person applying unreservedly agrees: To observe all pertinent regulatory requirements for amateur radio in the country or countries concerned. To observe all rules applying to the MLA award process. To accept the decisions of the IRTS awards manager.
All applications shall be made electronically. An email shall be sent to the Awards Manager ( Awards at ) which clearly indicates the category of in-band or cross-band award required (e.g. Half Century, Century, Double Century or endorsements to a Double Century award) and the number of claimed Maidenhead Locators to qualify for the award. The email address of the applicant should also accept incoming emails in case of a query. A log extract, shall be attached to the email certified as a correct extract from the claimant's log by an officer of a Radio Club or by two licensed radio amateurs. The log extract should also
include the Maidenhead Locator claimed for each QSO. The certification of the log extract may be attached to the email as a JPEG image of a scanned document.
Please address all correspondence and inquiries relating to MLA awards and all applications to the Awards Manager ( Awards at )
There are currently no charges levied for the issue of MLA awards and endorsements.

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